Olivia Olarte-Ulherr

Villa school Closure: Poor parents in a quandary

Villa school Closure: Poor parents in a quandary

Mohammed Abdulla, 11, walks the half a kilometre distance to his school everyday. He cannot afford to pay the school bus fee but he is happy that he still gets to go to school — and for free.

A Nasa stint for 35 Emirati students

ABU DHABI — Thirty-five Emirati students from the UAE have been selected for the first time, to go through a week-long training at the US space agency, Nasa.

A Nasa stint for 35 Emirati students

A Nasa stint for 35 Emirati students

ABU DHABI — For the first time, thirty-five Emirati students from the UAE left on Saturday to participate in a week-long student focused space engineering training session at Houston Space School located at NASA Johnson Space Center. The high school students aged between 16 and 18 were selected from among 4 campuses of the UAE’s Institute of Applied Technology (IAT).

Rifq card to promote animal care

Rifq card to promote animal care

Having pets and caring for animals will be less expensive following an initiative that aims to reduce the financial burden on looking after them.

After 22 years of life and laughters

AL AIN - Shahnaz Sultana sat alone in her old school, pensively looking around and recalling the past 22 years when the New Al Hilal Private School was brimming with life and laughter of students and teachers.